
plan view

1. A sculpture doubles as a wayfinding landmark, and is centered in views from the north, southeast, and southwest

2. Shortened CTA station opens the north-south view, visually connecting the urban planning and art colleges with the main campus

3. Bioswales treat and drain surface water runoff naturally, alleviating Chicago's overburdened combined sewer system

4. The shared street prioritizes pedestrian movement, and provides seating and bike parking on textured, permeable surfaces

5. A raised intersection calms traffic, increasing the safety and comfort of people on foot

More features

  • No curbs on Peoria Street south of Van Buren Street create a shared space
  • Curb extensions (bumpouts) on all four corners of Van Buren and Peoria Streets
  • Raised intersection at Van Buren and Peoria Streets
  • Outdoor seating scattered around the shared space and near the CTA station
  • Bike parking, including some sheltered, scattered around the shared space and near the CTA station
  • Permeable paving
  • Landscaping scattered to serve as traffic calming element
  • Gateway element
  • Colored paving "river" path
  • DIY bike repair station
  • Bioswales at the curb extensions around the raised crosswalk
  • Bioswales along the expressway on each side of the shared space
  • Green fencing to nearly eliminate traffic noise
  • Strung lighting - see an example on a pedestrian street in Amsterdam

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