August 24, 2011

Not posted or recorded

This was originally to be about equity in planning and design, but then not everyone was there and I had another idea, based on recent events: I should talk about the public planning process. I talked about the lack of public discussion on the recent ordinance to allow free parking on the Boulevards in Logan Square and then I described how Bike/Walk35 would work with the public planning process at our meeting the following Thursday.

August 22, 2011

Watch video. Read it

Regarding language, division of cyclists as a group, 8 to 80, and designing infrastructure to accommodate all users.

August 17, 2011

Watch video and read it. Read a related blog posting

I introduced some of my criticism of the Chicago Pedestrian Crash Analysis. I didn't appreciate the report's inclusion of "factoids" (think sound bytes) that made ambiguous statements (if any statement at all) about safety. The rest of the insight talks about striving for high quality work: respecting people's time, and being able to defend every word, chart and graphic in your presentation.

August 8, 2011

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About designing for a bicycle friendly community. Actually, for a Bicycle Friendly Community. Consider how your actions and products can go towards helping the city achieve this status. Politicians like status. Status can mean prestige. It also makes you think about what a bicycle friendly city entails, and can help you focus your work on achieving that.

August 3, 2011

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On language and word choice. There may be a couple phrases or words that you can use to describe what you mean to say. Pick the right one. Bicyclist or person riding a bike? "The car doored me" or "the driver doored me"?

August 1, 2011

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About the importance of data collection and project evaluation. "There was report of cyclist crashing on the Tuff Curb of the on-street bike parking facility in Wicker Park." What is the city's plan to monitor the use (or disuse) of the facility? How will the city collect data on something like this?

July 27, 2011

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My musings about the Kinzie Street protected bike lane, the 99.5 miles Rahm said he will still build, and dangerous, open metal grate bridges. What if we traded 25 miles of protected bike lanes for 25 bike-friendly bridges? Would you take this deal?